Learn C++ Pro


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Do you want to learn the C++ programming language without advertising and without using books? Download this fantastic application!
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Sep 6, 2020
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Do you want to learn the C++ programming language without advertising and without using books? Download this fantastic application!

The app is divided into 6 sections:

➽ CHAPTERS: quickly learn the basics of C++ in fifty-seven simple chapters.

➽ APPENDIX: find everything you need to program.

➽ PROGRAMS: more than 110 programs to discover and share.

➽ QUESTIONS: find the answer to anything you want.

➽ EXERCISES: practice and learn C++ even from your mistakes.

➽ QUIZ: answer quizzes and enrich your knowledge.

➽ CHAT: write to me in real time for support in minutes..


★4 sections of chapters with 57 chapters: The basics of the C++ language, Object-oriented programming, Data structures and data flows
★ you can view videos*
★ an appendix section to view the most common utilities
★ a section of Programs with more than 110 programs to study and share
★ a Questions section with 40 questions to get a summary of the basic concepts
★ a section Exercises with 60 exercises to study and practice
★ exercise solutions can be unlocked*
★ support for everything, support by e-mail*
★ Learn Java can also be used in offline mode

* functions that require access to an internet connection

Additional features of the PRO version:

★ Graphic improvements for an even more intuitive study!
★ Appendix tabs can be opened to expand topics!
★ Programs are in color and are much more tidy!
★ You can view the debugging of the program!
★ You can download the program in two formats: .txt and .cpp! *
★ The exercise solutions are in colour and can be unlocked without advertising!
★ The exercise solutions can be downloaded in two formats: .txt and .cpp! *
★ You can view the debug of the solutions of the exercises!
★ Added a new section: QUIZ, answer Quizzes and expand your knowledge of the language C++!
★ Added a new section: CHAT, write me as many questions as you want in the chat in real time, in a few minutes you will be given the answer! **

* functions that require access to an internet connection
** function that requires access to an internet connection, the chat is always online, in case of malfunctions you can continue the conversation via e-mail

The application has a very simple interface and can be used by everyone. Learning C++ PRO is offline and can be used at any time and place. It is especially recommended for those who want to learn C++ but also for those who want to deepen or review it.

Share Learn C++ PRO with your friends and study with them!

✉ If you need help, suggestions, repetitions or explanations, go to the Contacts section and write to me at my e-mail address. ✉

✎ The educational textbooks have been used to develop and enrich the information material contained in the application. ✎

Learning C++ PRO was developed and written by Adriano and designed by Alessandro.
Learning C++ PRO is also translated into English.

If you like the application leave a good review and offer me a coffee in the Contacts section. Thank you!

Learning C++ PRO is also supported by Android Tablets with android minimum 5.0, it is recommended to use devices with a minimum screen of 4.3 inches, it is recommended to rotate the screen for better reading and understanding of programs.

Thank you for downloading Learn C++ PRO!

What's new

★ Upgrade 3.0 ★

➽ graphic interface update
➽ added the DARK MODE, you can activate it through the button at the top right of the Home
➽ added a new chapter section: Handling exceptions
➽ you can now save the chapters and the exercises you have already read using the button in the top right hand corner
➽ the quizzes have been rearranged

Dark Mode is still being tested, let me know if you find any problems.
Stay connected! New applications are coming by AdriAda.
