Slogo is a powerful app used to teach students and children how to program a computer. Designed to help beginners learn logo programming language. It is a very simple and fun application to learn basic concepts of programming languages.
✅️ What's Logo
Logo is a programming language that controls a turtle on the screen to draw amazing pictures.
✅️ 114 commands support :
cos, radcos, sin, radsin, tan, radtan, arccos, radarccos, arcsin, radarcsin, arctan, radarctan, exp, ln, log10, sqrt, round, abs, int, random, sum, difference, product, divide, power, modulo, minus, pos, xcor, ycor, pencolor, pc, penwidth, pw, pensize, ps, heading, true, false, pi, towards, ascii, char, bitand, bitor, bitxor, bitnot, rightshift, rshift, leftshift, lshift, null, forward, fd, backward, bk, left, lt, right, rt, hideturtle, ht, showturtle, st, setx, sety, setxy, setpos, clearscreen, cs, cleartext, ct, penup, pu, pendown, pd, setpencolor, setpc, print, pr, type, read, rd, home, wait, setpenwidth, setpw, setpensize, setps, setheading, seth, circle, circle2, arc, dot, setrgb, setfloodcolor, setfc, fill, clean, setscreencolor, setsc, ellipse, ellipse2, arc2, distance, dist, label, setfontsize, setfs, fontsize, fs, labellength, ll.
✅️ 25 Reserved words
if, else, while, output, return, op, ret, for, do, foreach, case, make, struct, and, or, not, until, to, mod, div, end, stop, in, repeat, elseif.
✅️ Key Features:
• Write and Run Logo program;
• Debug your code;
• Add breakpoint;
• Run your code step by step;
• Auto-formatting code;
• Multilingual support ( for now : English and French);
• Powerful editor with support for text highlighting and many other features;
• Zoom in / Zoom out on your screen;
• Move the screen using your finger;
• Integrated console allows you to see the output of your program;
• Dark and light theme support;
• Doesn't require any internet access to be working correctly;
• Easy file manager, delete, create, rename, import, export file;
• Turtle commands : forward, backward, left, right, etc;
• Variables, procedures, if statement, loop statement, etc;
• Many predefined functions and procedures: cos, sins, etc;
• procedure definition;
• Support for recursive procedures;
• Interact with the user via read and write commands;
✅️ Translation
• This is a multilingual app, if you want to help us translate this application into other languages, please contact us at [email protected]
• So far we support these languages:
– English
– French
✅️ Simple program :
FD 100
FD 10
BK 10
RT 60
BK 100
RT 60
FD 100
FD 20
BK 20
RT 6
RT 60
✅️ Social Medias
• YouTube:
• Facebook:
• Instagram: